Mind blowing session

Suryakant Gardi

Good knowledge of subject, all captured in training and easy to understand the topics.

Gopi V Dangwal

Engaging as always with lot of real life cases to imbibe from. Dr. Aneeta has a beautiful knack of holding the audience attention with well planned program schedule which is a mix of presentations, role plays and physical activities.

Nirav Walter

The session was excellent. Dr. Aneeta is very knowledgeable and experienced person. We could able to take lot much from her session. Good content and delivery along with some practical examples and group activities. Overall it was fantastic

Urmila More

My team and I are working with Dr. Aneeta Madhok over the last several months on a leadership development program. With her deep experience and knowledge Aneeta is able to bring out the best in individuals. Her personal touch along with a unique approach ensure that coachings sessions are highly interactive.

Shireesh Ambhaikar, CEO, Perrigo API, India

Aneeta Madhok taught a successful GPHR Certification Preparation course and a GPHR Train-the-Trainer course in Beijing in July 2012. I was deeply impressed by her professionalism and in-depth of knowledge in international HR management she showed during the program and by how highly her students praised her.

Patrick Ran, PhD, GPHR, HRMP, COO, SHRM China

What was unique about Open Spaces and Aneeta in particular was the dedication and nurturing spirit with which she handled every employee who underwent the coaching intervention. We’ve seen perceptible changes in people regarding their outlook towards work and towards life.

Bavneesh Gulati, Head – HR Kalpataru

Dr. Aneeta Madhok has been an inspiration, motivator and a guide to her students, colleagues and Industry partners. The depth of knowledge in her domain is par excellence and thus she has been a reference point for all.

Kavi Luthra, VP, Rustomjee Academy for Global Careers Ashok Piramal Group

Aneeta’s phenomenal zeal in reaching out and helping her students, colleagues and friends go beyond their perceived limits has been a key factor. Her high ethical standards and dedication are added assets.

Ashok Nayak, Associate VP – BPO Sales, Australia & NZ at Mahindra Satyam

Aneeta is an HR professional of ‘star’ stature. She has regularly participated in the Best Prax Club Round Tables organized by Qimpro where her ideas have enabled the members to view business practices from unique perspectives.

Suresh Lulla, Founder, Qimpro Consultants

I have been highly pleased to partner with Dr. Madhok as we have sought to fully integrate India and U.S. operations; she has been a strategic ally in helping me increasingly understand cultural dynamics between the two countries. She is a trusted resource who handles all matters with discretion and professionalism.

Bruce D. Johnson, Ph.D. VP, Research & Development Perrigo Company Allegan Michigan, US

It is a joy and delight to be working with Aneeta. By temperament she is joyful and a great force multiplier as a motivator.

Nadirshaw Dhondy, Advocate, Supreme Court

The workshops on Performance Management Systems conducted by Aneeta Madhok for Peninsula Land were engaging and brought out system issues with the help of case studies and exercises that maintained conceptual soundness. There was a great deal of practical knowledge and experience that transferred to the participants. We saw a transformation in the performance review sessions that were held subsequent to her training.

Amar Deepika, President, Group HR, Ashok Piramal Group

As a SHRM India Master Facilitator for the GPHR Certification Preparation, Aneeta’s contribution to HR professionals has been top notch. Her classes have always been practitioner oriented and with her in-depth experience in the HR & Consulting functions, Aneeta’s class has so far had among the best conversion rates in the last few years. Aneeta’s knowledge on the modules the GPHR Certification Preparation course, together with the passion to keep herself up-to-date on ‘next’ practices and the uncanny ability to relate global concepts to the functional work that HR professionals carry out, make her one of the most outstanding facilitators, in this discipline for SHRM India.

Ranjit Jose, Lead – Delivery and Client Partner, India SHRM India