by Madhok, R., Richardson, P. K., “Further Along The Road: Supply Chain Management at Jindal Iron and Steel Company Ltd” JISCO & Manchester Business School Case Study, Published on European Case Clearing House, September, 2004
by Madhok, R. & Richardson, P.K. “Surviving The Odds: Turnaround of Jindal Iron and Steel Company” JISCO and Manchester Business School Case Study. Published on European Case Clearing House, June 2003
by Madhok, R. “Culture and the International Customer: Jindal Iron and Steel Company Ltd.” The Smart Manager Case Studies, Issue 1, November – December, 2003
by Madhok, A., A Case Study on HR Aspects of Business Process Re-Engineering. Business Today. A Living Media Publication. Vol. 7, # 23, 7th December 1998
by Madhok, A., “Appraisal Apprehensions – A Case Study On 360 Degree Appraisals.” Business Today. A Living Media Publication. Vol. 6, # 12. 7th November, 1997